"2 Cats in a Box"
Awww... there's two cats in a cardboard box! One cat looks as though he just woke up from a nap and the other cat has a slightly alarmed look on her face, which shows the different personalities these cats must have. This seems like it would be a relaxing picture but with all the hard lines it keeps me awake. All of the lines seem to flow around the cats' faces, making them standout and demonstrate the intense contrast within this drawing.
These are my cats Wildstripes and Princes. I found a picture while searching for good reference photos on my dads computer. I thought this one was cute and a good way to remember Wildstripes since he passed away a few years ago. I brought the reference to work on during my breaks as I volunteered at summer camp. I wanted to finish the drawing quick enough to show in the county fair. It was very close, I finished this piece the night before it had to be at the show.
Medium: Pen and ink
Original size: 9x11 inches
Original Paper: Bristol
Ink Brand: Micron Pens
Prints Available: Upon request
Year Finished: 7/2016
Blue Award in Original Art - Clackamas County Fair 4-H (2016)
Champion in Original Arts (selected for state) - Clackamas County Fair 4-H (2016)