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"I paint as my eye sees it.  There's nothing like capturing the lightness and the darkness to allow people to see the world as I do"
⁓Micaiah Meyer

About My Artwork  ​

My artwork is based on the things that I love, enjoy, relate to, and things that remind me of good times or sad times.  For example, I enjoy spending time outside by the camp fire, snowboarding down the snowy slopes while watching the sun go down on the horizon, and watching the bright and colorful hot air balloons landing on the reflective lake.  I love the way the sun looks when it cuts through the metal of on old truck while warmly shinning on the glimmering snow and I love the look in a dog’s eye when she brings you her toy wanting to play.  I strive to capture the moment.  Not the picture, but the feeling.  Bringing out memories and emotion.


To accomplish the above, I use different mediums including (but not limited to) watercolor, pastel, graphite, pen and ink, and acrylic. My favorite is watercolor but pastel is a close second.  I use top quality supplies, such as Holbein watercolor paints and Arches’ 300lb watercolor paper, to insure the quality of my work.  

My Artistic Journey  

I’ve come a long way, I’m still learning, and I’ve got a ways to go.  I was the quiet little shy kid who always had a coloring book or piece of paper to doodle on, and if you tried to talk to me I’d just smile and turn red.  I also loved playing with watercolor, on printer paper of course, and painting horses, puppies, and cats.  When I was about 8, I took my collection of watercolor soaked papers and made a cute portfolio (didn’t know what that was at the time) of all my pieces.  

       When I was 9, I decided to paint a portrait of my favorite stuffed animal, Spot.  This was quite the creative experience.  First I posed Spot just the way I wanted him.  Next I used my watercolor paper, which my mom had bought me but I had never used because I was saving it, and sketched the outline of Spot on it.  I then used a bunch of random paints, from my dad’s cabinet of old supplies to fill in the sketch. Since I didn’t understand shading, I just left the outline.  A funny thing I did take into consideration though was that the background would be reflecting color onto his fur, so I added a red tinge to his fur. When my parents saw the finished painting they were impressed and wanted me to take art classes, but they could not afford them.

      When I was 12 my parents enrolled me in 2, once a week classes (drawing 101 & painting 101) at the Master School of Art, with the finical help of my grandparents (thank you!).  At MSOA I learned the fundamentals of drawing that have truly helped me in my personal artistic journey.  I am currently still attending MSOA because I am still learning and continuously sharpening my skill. Furthermore, I have been a member of the local art guild in Sandy, Oregon (WAG), since the fall of 2016, which has also allowed me to learn from other artists. I love art and I love seeing the look on someone’s face as they look at something I painted and light up because it’s a different way of seeing colors, seeing shapes, seeing motion and emotion, which they may not have ever seen before.  As I love seeing where my art takes other people, I am excited to see where it takes me as well!  


My 9 year old self's interpretation of my favorite stuffed animal.

About Me

        As much as I love art, that's not my only passion.  I thrive on adventure; I am an avid snowboarder, rock climber, hiker, swimmer and I am up for pretty much any other outdoor challenge.  I was home schooled up until 11th grade, then I started attending Mt. Hood Community College where I am now a senior earning dual credits for high school and planning on an associates in wilderness leadership.  Throughout the school year, I am a part-time lifeguard at MHCC.  During the summer I volunteer at a local Bible Camp which is where I found my love for leading outdoor recreation.  There I work on Rec Staff, operating the zip line, climbing wall, setting up games, and doing odd jobs around the camp.  Thus, alongside my art, I am also pursuing a career in the outdoor recreation industry.  

       My daily driver is a 1971 VW Super Beetle, which I am fixing up with my own style.  I want it to look somewhat like an off road/class 11 Bug but still keep that vintage charm that I love so much in the classic beetles.  The Beetle has always been my favorite car; since I couldn’t buy a car when I was ten, I started collecting toy Bugs.  I now have a fairly impressive collection of antique and newer beetle toys.  There is over 120 in the collection, everything from 50 year old Hot Wheels to pencil sharpeners, I even have a bug phone from the 90's…  I could go on but I don’t want to bore you with this funny obsession of mine. 

       On top of being slightly obsessed with Beetles, I am also an animal lover who has an old dog (Maizy, a still energetic black Lab/Aussie mix,) a rabbit named CB (AKA Coffee Bean, a Netherland Dwarf), and 2 cats (Princesses and Rick.)  My family used to have lots of chickens and ducks too.  In addition to having a few animals, I clean horse stalls to make extra money, I have attempted to raise a puppy for Guide Dogs for the Blind, and I was a Youth Volunteer at the Oregon Humane Society for almost 3 years.  

© 2017-2020 by Micaiah's Fine Art. All rights reserved.             


"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you were working for the Lord and not for people."  Colossians 3:23

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