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A  Few New Cards Each Week !

A couple days a week, I paint a new card to add to my card collection showcased here! These cards could be almost anything, such as flowers, season related, they could reflect activities or hobbies, maybe some animals, and whatever else I feel like painting. So remember to check back often and you might just find that perfect card.


These are all simple cards approximately 5x7 in size, usually done in watercolor (though I might try some pin & ink), on 140Ib watercolor paper. All cards are for sale; if you're quick, originals are $5. I can also cut the back off and mat the 5x7 painting if you request, though it ruins the idea of a simple card ; )  Reproductions are available for all cards at $3 a card or 2 for $5, though expect a printing delay if the card is a new design.


The cards in the gallery below are all fresh from the past month! To view cards from past months, scroll down and choose your desired album. All original cards (not printed reproductions) that are still available to buy are in the Original Cards album for your convenience.

Come back soon for more cards!

© 2017-2020 by Micaiah's Fine Art. All rights reserved.             


"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you were working for the Lord and not for people."  Colossians 3:23

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