2nd place in pastels/watercolor/color pencil - MSOA Final Review Show (2015)
Blue Award in Original Art - Clackamas County Fair 4-H (2015)
Reserve Grand Champion of Original Arts - Clackamas County Fair 4-H (2015)
4-H Special Award - CC Fair 4-H (2015)
Blue Ribbon in Original Art - Oregon State Fair 4-H (2015)
Champion of its Class - Oregon State Fair 4-H (2015)
Award of Excellence Medallion - Oregon State Fair 4-H (2015)
Blue First Premium in its class - Clackamas County Fair Open Show (2016)
Best Of Show - Clackamas County Fair Open Show (2016)
"Old Snowy Truck"
When I look at this piece, I smile. I love snow and the way the sun is shining straight through the truck... it just makes me so happy. First I find myself looking at the snowy fender then my eyes stare at the window and the sun. Next I find myself wondering about where this old truck is parked and the scene it gets to enjoy. Lastly it makes me wish I was there... walking through the snow with the sun shinning on my back. I guess that's where the smile comes from :)
I created this old truck because I was just learning watercolor and I was choosing my second project. My friend had showed me a reference that I kinda liked and then later decided to use it for this project. I wasn't completely sure about it at first but after lightening the truck up a bit and using my newly learned techniques, I grew to really like it. After doing this project, I learned how much I love painting cars.
Medium: Watercolor
Original size: 9x11 inches
Original Paper: Arches 300lb
Paint Brand: Winsor & Newton
Prints Available: Yes
Year Finished: 1/2015