1st place in pastels/watercolor/color pencil - MSOA Review Show (2015)
Red Second Premium in its class - Clackamas County Fair Open Show (2015)
Handicapped Theme Award - Clackamas County Fair Open Show (2015)
Selected for 2016 MSOA Calendar - 2016 MSOA Calendar Fundraiser (2015)
"Pumpkin Puppy"
It's a cute puppy sitting in a pumpkin patch! This puppy has the cutest look on her face, and look at those puppy wrinkles! She has such dark eyes, I could stare at them for forever (well not that long but you get the point). This photo is personal to me because this is the puppy I helped raise for Guide Dogs for the Blind back when I was 12. So when I look at this photo it reminds me of that day when I took the puppy to the pumpkin patch. Though I also start to think about all the other fun times I had going to the pumpkin patch with my friends and family... Maybe the look on this puppy's face reminds you of your dog as well. I hope you enjoy!
I wanted to make this watercolor because this is Nirvana, the Guide Dogs for the Blind puppy whom I co-raised when I was 12. This painting is based off of a photo that my mom took when I brought her to the pumpkin patch. I love this painting and I loved painting the dog, but the pumpkins... now those were tedious! Nirvana was a very good dog and I loved helping in the process of raising her. She was one of the few puppies that actually graduated school and became a working guide dog. When I see this picture now it reminds me of the amount of time that I, and so many others, invested in her which has now payed off, and now she is out there helping the blind see.
Medium: Watercolor
Original size: 11x14 inches
Original Paper:
Paint Brand: Winsor & Newton Cotman
Prints Available: Yes
Year Finished: 5/2015